November 28, 2011


It's that time of year again, the weather is turning colder (and threatening snow....well, not a threat to me as I love snow) and the hectic holiday season is approaching. Which means two things: copious amounts of food and new year's resolutions. Normally, I don't make resolutions as I just break them anyway (except that time it was to try the PB&J Burger at the Yellow Griffin, which was the most delicious resolution ever).

This year is different. This year I am only making crafty goals. I know it's early, but I've been in serious project planning mode (since, yet again, I'm behind on my holiday gift knitting). My crafty resolution for 2012 is to knit 1 item, spin 1 yarn and sew 1 item every week. Yep, seems simple. Probably is biting off more than I can chew, but this is what I want to accomplish.

Here's some recent finishes to keep myself motivated:

November 21, 2011

Fluffy, fluffy braaaaains

Recently, I've been on a zombie movie kick. While watching Dead Snow, I was inspired to spin up a yarn with brains. Juicy, bloody brains.

Mr. Social doesn't think that they look like brains, but I disagree. What do you think, brains or weird random lumps?

November 16, 2011

A long overdue post

So, it appears I have been absent for a while. I must remedy this. In my time away I have improved my knitting skills as well as learned to spin. This blog is going to evolve into a crafting blog, rather than just being focused on sewing.

I am joining A Year of Projects (late) and will be creating a list of projects that I'd like to complete in 2012. While I do that, here's some stuff I've finished recently:

And some luscious yarn: